Friday, March 4, 2011

He's Coming Home

Dad just emailed me to say he's being evicted today. Great news. I know Dad's relieved to be out of the hospital, but I bet my mom is fretting her full time nursing duties now.

I just wanted to give a little Transplant Patient 101 for anyone who may want to visit after he returns from the hospital. My dad has been put on very heavy anti rejection drugs after receiving his new organ. The body's natural response is to reject the new "foreign object" as it would a disease. The anti rejection drugs lower the body's immune system significantly to prevent it from trying to "fight off" the new organ. Because the drugs lower his immune system so much he's very highly susceptible to picking up viruses. The doctors have warned my dad to be very careful with this and he's not to be in public places for about 3 months. Its much like you would treat a newborn during RSV season. I'm sure my mother will let us know when he is ready for some visitors. I would say especially this early on if you are going to visit my dad please don't go if you are at all sick or if anyone in your family is sick. Its probably better to err on the side of caution right now. I know in time my dad would love to see visitors. Right now my mom can tell us when and how many he'll be ready for. Thanks again for all your support. Congrats on leaving the hospital Dad!


  1. Congratulations John - great news. We are all pulling for you. So Barb - ready to run on Saturday morning?

  2. John, you are in our prayers constantly. We're so happy with the great progress you are making. I'll be checking your progress through this blog daily. Thank you, Julia and Sarah for doing this.
    Paula Tibbitts

  3. Simply amazing, wow! Way to go John, just try to throttle down a bit from what you want to do and get better.

    Mike "O"

  4. Okay, I am staying away till otherwise notified.
    Maybe I can rationalize a new computer out of this so I can finally get Skype. Mine is old and crashing.
