Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life at Home

We've been home for 48 hours now and are starting to settle into our routine of medications at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. along with blood pressure, temperature and weight readings every morning and evening. It comforts me to know that we will be going to the clinic at the hospital once a week starting tomorrow for blood work and medication changes, so we can't get too far off track.

John is progressing well. He does get tired but not enough to stop him from walking two miles yesterday (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and one mile today in the rain! (the dog and I were not happy companions:) He scared me to death the first day he walked because he decided to go out while I was gone. I thought we were going to need marriage mediation over that! Besides walking, he's enjoying reading your comments on the blog and emails from many of you.

Because John is on large doses of immune suppressive drugs for the next few months, we have to be careful about food preparation and bacteria as well. So if you were thinking of bringing us food, we would appreciate a suggestion for a good movie or book instead. We do get Netflix.

We can't thank you enough for all of your prayers and good thoughts. We feel their sustaining power.


  1. Just let John know that if he shows up at our door, a bed will be waiting...And Barbara, are you still hoping you might have time to delve into that pile of books by your bedside? Don't think so.

    BTW, Eric is engaged to a wonderful SLC girl...We are happy campers!

  2. I am glad for Bishop's wonderful progress.

    The Greatest Game Ever Played is a great family/true story movie. Mom and dad may have a huge amount of suggestions for you.

  3. John - Bill Douglas shared the good news with all of us at Dunkin Lewis this weekend. So happy for you and your family! Congrats on finally meeting your match! Praying for a smooth recovery.
    - Sarah Rath

    p.s. I finally got hooked on running - after having my two boys (Jack now 4, Duke is 3) I decided I had better start on my feet so I can keep up with them. Scheduled for 5k's each month for the next three and hope to start training up to 10k's by the summer :)

  4. Just in case you didn't already know, the way to determine if he has gone over the line with the physical activity is when halfway through the walk he pulls out a GU and asks you if you need a salt tablet... Wishing you the best John! Can't wait to be back on the road with you.

  5. The Gula family is praying for you (and your wife!) Keep up the good work in the recovery department!

  6. Get well, John! Hope to see you running again soon!
