Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Afternoon

Dad walked up and down a flight of stairs today and lapped the entire floor 10 times (plowing down anyone in his path, I'm sure). He emailed me a picture of him yesterday and he's looking good. My mom made me promise not to reveal his bed head and 5 o' clock shadow to the internets, so you'll have to trust my word or ask him for a photo yourself.

The great news is that he may get to go home tomorrow and if not, will probably be leaving the hospital on Saturday. Way to go, Dad!


  1. Wow---fabulous news! That hotel bill certainly woke him up fast! From the ICU, right to Claiborne! Good going!


  2. Our stake is having a day at the Temple today; he could just stop by for a session on his way home.
    Seriously amazing recovery.


  3. Hope to see you pulling in the driveway soon! Continue your amazing recovery, John!
