Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday Evening

Sarah and I both wish we could be there in person right now to see my dad and his progress but for now we're just getting periodic updates from my mom as she has time to call us. We figured this would be an easier format to relay all the updates we get from my mom to those that would also like to know my dad's progress. Sarah has the option of posting on here too so you can notice at the bottom who wrote each entry.

I spoke with my mom last night. She said everything is progressing as it should so far. All the nurses keep commenting on how good he looks. My mom told one of the nurses on duty Sunday evening that my dad had run 12 miles the day before. Its been the talk of the nurses station ever since - "Who runs 12 miles the day before a liver transplant?" Apparently my dad. On Sunday evening my mom said he had about 8 different drips attached to him, administering all different drugs and fluids, also a breathing tube. As of yesterday she said a lot of the tubes were gone. He was still pretty out of it yesterday from the pain medication. He could answer simple questions like "Do you know where you are?" and "Do you know why you're here?" but would only answer the question and then drift back to sleep. She said she can tell he's uncomfortable too and winces a lot from pain. But the important thing is - there appears to be no complications so far and all has gone as it should. Thank you again for all of your prayers and words of support.

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