Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday Morning - He's a Rock Star

The nurses are calling my dad a rock star. He's progressing really well and has already had a physical therapy team in to help him walk around the ICU. This is much earlier than is typical for a liver transplant patient. He made two walking laps around the ICU with a big smile on his face (already in training for the next race). He's been eating Jello and clear liquids. He even talked with some of the hospital staff about their training for the Marine Corp marathon. My mom said he's still not carrying on long conversations and is pretty tired. But he's progressing really well. Once he found out my mom's been spending $200 a night at a nice Georgetown hotel room surrounded by upscale shops and restaurants, I think his resolve to leave the hospital soon grew even stronger. They plan to have him leave the ICU as soon as a room becomes available. The transplant team will be overseeing his treatment after this next move.


  1. Great news! so glad to hear this

  2. Fantastic news. He will no doubt be challenging the staff to foot races soon.

  3. So glad to hear that your dad is doing well! Please give your parents our best when you talk to your mom. The McSheas

  4. Fantastic news! I'm so glad to hear it.

  5. Can't Keep him down! Haha, that's the Bishop I know at least! :)Keeping him in my prayers

  6. I'm so glad to finally get an update on John's progress! Thanks to Lynn and Evelyn for getting us connected. We are thinking of John and Barb every minute. Our prayers are with you!

    Beth and Chuck

  7. Thanks, Julia, for starting a blog to keep us all in the loop. What great news! There is not a prayer Tim and Matthew utter without Bishop Kippen's name first in the "please bless" list. Our love to you all. The Smart Family

  8. As what others said, thank you very much for updating all of us who care a lot about John. On behalf of the Frederick Triathlon Club and as a friend, please pass along my wishes for a speedy recovery! Dave Miller, President, The Frederick Triathlon Club

  9. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    Isaiah 40:31

    Our Prayers are with you!

  10. Julia,

    Thanks to you and Sarah for keeping us updated.

  11. Thanks for connecting with us. I'll send your blog to friends in the Prestbury Ward. As others, we will keep your dad and mom in our prayers and the two of you and your families in our hearts.
